Wisdom before Honesty

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 4:7-8 KJV

7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
8 Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her.

Today’s lesson is not for everyone but it seems like only those with some maturity will completely absorb this message because they will understand the difference. Yes, we (ihlcc) have learned over the years that many in the Body of Christ hear the same messages but the interpretation of those messages inside each person’s heart varies from generation to generation and a variance is from denomination to denomination. Hopefully, our lessons are not only truthful but also practical in application. This message came from a recent experience where we (ihlcc) sinned against the Lord. To describe the exact sin it was speaking too much. What do you mean?, one would ask. What we mean is this, just recently a gentleman asked for our comments about another person in leadership. Immediately without much forethought I mentioned that they were OK but they lacked supporting me in certain areas. The listener quietly nodded and went their way. Also, immediately once the listener left I knew in my heart that I should not have said those words. Why? Someone might ask. First of all we (ihlcc) know better than to speak negatively about another because it is not becoming to God’s Love. Secondly, now this person leaves my presence with a negative impression about another man instead of a positive impression and that is my fault. Thirdly, there was nothing that the listener could do about the situation so why should he be included into that situation? It is said, if you don’t know any better you can’t do any better. The difference here was that I did know better and I can behave better. Therefore to me it was sin, that needed to be repented of immediately. Which I quickly did and was immediately forgiven by God. However, what principle should be applied to avoid a negative outcome the next go around? The truth of “Wisdom before Honesty” comes to mind. “Honesty” has a solid place in the Holy Bible. Yes, even in the New Testament the words “Honest, Honesty and Honestly” are used 11 times in the King James Version. We are instructed according to God’s Word to live in all goodness and honesty, walk honestly, think on whatever is honest, practice honest living and even have a honest career according to Romans 12:17 and 2 Corinthians 8:21. All this to say that we (all Christians) should have a honest and good heart. We should be people of honesty and truth. However, with that understanding we must also use “wisdom”. Yes, today’s scripture states that “wisdom is the principle thing”. The word “principle” has several definitions but one of the definitions is “a rule of conduct” another definition reads, “a leading into the right decisions for conduct”. Thus when we study the word “principle” in this context it is stating that “Wisdom” is necessary for dealing with people. We (ihlcc) know this to be true because other scriptures teach, “a wise man keeps his tongue until afterwards (after the situation is over) whereas the foolish man speaks all his mind.” - Refer to Proverbs 29:11 This is why we must use (look for, seek) “wisdom” first to be an inward check on when to speak and when not to speak. The scripture also states in Ecclesiastes 3:7b that there is a time to keep silence and also a separate time to speak up (paraphrased). Yes, this is using “wisdom” another person might call it being led by the Holy Spirit of God. We (ihlcc) would simple say if we, as Christians, pause for a small moment (inner measure) of patience we will get that check or notice (hear) the voice of “wisdom”. “Wisdom” gives us the direction (instruction, witness) of when to speak forth and when to speak silence. Yes, in hind sight (which is always 20/20) I now see if I would have paused before my reply, I might have replied that this individual is a good man. No heart conviction would have condemned my actions and the person would have left me with a positive experience and a positive impression about the other person. You see, our faith friend, impressions are like running water once you let it out of the faucet (your spirit) you can never call it back again when others have heard it. Yes, although the words I spoke where “honest” and they did come from my heart it was not “wise” to speak them at that time because of their negative impact. Have you ever heard to term, “You don’t have to say everything you think”? because if you have heard that phrase it is the voice of wisdom. Likewise, those who boast that I always speak whatever comes into my mind are among the foolish people of the world. We already said, the foolish men speaks all his heart whereas the wise man keeps his mouth shut until all gossip or evil speaking is removed. Yes, there is truly a time and place for everything so let this be the time for “wisdom” by thinking about future consequences before you speak and let your exalted place in Christ Jesus be remembered because you are a king and priest before God. You notice that both the kings of the earth and priests before God must be trained in keeping their tongue because speaking falsely or discouragingly before those over you will only cause you to lose favor in their (the leaders) eyes. We are not preaching always be silent but what we are teaching is to only speak forth good words of peace over other people to bless that person, yourself, the listener and God in Jesus Name. When we do this we are choosing “Wisdom before Honesty” because being “honest” about the faults and failures of others might be true but it does not make it godly to speak these faults to others. We are called to be godly over worldly just like we are called to have mercy over judgment. Remember “Wisdom is the principle thing” so get His (God’s) Heart first then choose your words “wisely” because speaking the right words bring God’s Favor on the scene. Yes, “honesty” has its rightful place in our everyday life but it should be submitted to “wisdom” to allow peace and harmony over debate or evil speaking. We can remember the phrase, “Loose lips sink ships” is referring to sinking your own ship not the ship of another. Yes even a good thing can cause a bad outcome if not properly used according to God’s intentions. Amen!